Better Questions, Listening

Translating for Trust (Issue 439)

In which we consider the importance of emotion as well as facts when confirming what we’ve heard. “We are honored and delighted that you are here with us this evening, sharing this meal, living with your host families for a week. We have enjoyed sharing with you…” Read more »

Rookie Questions (Issue 435)

In which we discuss applying research to generating questions that make a difference. “How is family contribution calculated? It was a rookie question about college financial aid. Our second child is applying for college admission; we join her at pre-application college “Information Sessions.” During the first of two on Saturday, the Admissions Officer offered to … Read more »

Juicy Conversation (Issue 433)

In which we marvel at the connection created by a story. Wednesday night, I sat with a friend for dinner. Sitting outside, a pink-sunsetted, warm, summer evening gently accented by shifting light breeze. A few folks around at other tables, a quiet night. We ordered food (mine was the “turkey, black bean, and cilantro burger … Read more »

How Was Your Day? (Issue 432)

In which we’re guided to ask opening questions that penetrate more deeply. When I return to the house after my vigorous “cutlass in teeth” romp at the office, my family members ask about my day. One typically asks, “How was your day?” The other, ” What did you work on today?” Would you answer those … Read more »

Better Slow Down (Issue 430)

In which we remind ourselves that sales people are (usually) not competing against the clock during sales conversations. While channel surfing the other night I came to a rodeo tie-down roping contest, a.k.a. calf roping. Very exciting! At a given signal the calf bolts from its pen, dashing straight down the middle of the ring. Read more »

So I Talk A Lot (Issue 424)

In which we learn a technique to deal with dreaded silence and wandering conversation. “I can’t hear very well, so I talk a lot.” Read more »

Seeing the Flaws (Issue 423)

In which we’re reminded to dig into details when we ask questions. If you were to ask me, “how’s your house?” I would say, “Great…. a couple of creaks and groans and… just fine” However, if you were buying my house, you’d bring your team of inspectors and you’d find a lot to write down … Read more »

Who Cares? (Issue 418)

In which we learn the value of asking questions about value. “Why are you doing that?” A daughter’s question to her father while watching him struggle with household task. Read more »

Am I More Comfortable Now? (Issue 414)

In which we learn to not to assume that clients want to fix their problems. I married a nurse. I’ve developed a taste for stories that capture staff and patient life in hospitals. One of my favorites: Read more »

Knightly Tales (Issue 411)

In which we are encouraged to hear our clients stories as guidance toward the solutions they need and want. I could not stop myself. I had to tell my company’s story. Last Wednesday, I sat with Clarity’s Practice Manager, Maureen, at our conference table in the company of the very wonderful Susan, an expert in … Read more »

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