Weekly Sales Thoughts

Knives for Neighbors (Issue 456)

In which we are reminded about the power of referrals and associations to accelerate contact with prospects. “They’re great knives,” my newly trained son intoned. “Here, let me show you.” And with that, he was off and cutting, working us through his demonstration. “…And if you need them sharpened, you send them back to the … Read more »

What’s That You Say? (Issue 455)

In which we offer five strategies that respond when a prospect says “I don’t need what you’re selling now.” A lotta cats get stumped when prospects say, “no, not interested now.” Read more »

Trust Me, They Notice (Issue 454)

In this we consider that some of our moves at the beginning of sales calls may not be so smooth. “She wouldn’t even look at me,” Maureen (our practice manager) exclaimed. “I watched her walk across the parking lot, she came to the door, she saw you and shook your hand, you introduced her to … Read more »

Sales Symbolism (Issue 453)

In which we discuss the importance of choosing and developing a personal brand and symbols that align with our clients’ concerns or opportunities. We had a big upset in the Peoples Republic of Massachusetts last week. (No, I’m not referring to the fact that our Boston Celtics continued to lose games with lousy defense and … Read more »

Insultative vs. Consultative Sales (Issue 452)

In which we are reminded that “consultative selling” involves the application of judgment. 7:00 am. Breakfast. Lloyd’s Diner, Natick, Massachusetts. [Don’t ask why. I’m sure I had a good reason.] Read more »

Move to the Future (Issue 451)

In which we learn to compete in the “future” rather than battling it out in the present. I received a call this week from yet another company cooing that they want Clarity’s business. This one was phone services. “We’re from blah blah company, and we can help you reduce your phone charges up to 20%, … Read more »

Sales Survival (Issue 450)

In which we learn how survival instincts affect our selling practices. Why do so many sales representatives “pounce” on the first opportunity they see in a sales process, leaving potentially larger business opportunities untouched? Why are account penetration and cross sell ratios so low, almost universally? Read more »

Working the Storm (Issue 449)

In which we discuss the routines of managing our time and territories. Shoveling snow is my favorite exercise. OK, you think I’m a raving lunatic. You wouldn’t be the first to have this thought (at least about my approach to winter storms, and the line forms to the left, behind my children and wife). Read more »

The Gift (Issue 448)

A seasonal message which we’re encouraged to share what we know with people in need. She was driving her young children home at the end of a “day out with Mom.” She was late, she had a lot to do, and she wanted to get home. Read more »

Bringing Our Prospects to Us (Issue 447)

In which we explore “expertise marketing” – speak, write, or be written about – as a pipeline development strategy. Read more »

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