Trusted Advisors Redux (Issue 462)

In which we search for the trail head of the path to becoming clients’ Trusted Advisors. We recently conducted some research with one of our client’s small business owner customers, owners of companies with sales in the $2 million to $5 million range. We asked them a series of questions about their companies, their banking … Read more »

Ready Comprehension (Issue 461)

In which we are reminded to listen beyond the point at which we think we know the solution to a client’s problem or challenge. Read more »

Getting Through Gatekeepers (Issue 460)

In which we are reminded that working with gatekeepers can increase our chances of success entering a new buying center when we can’t get a referral from a trusted third party. “Getting though gatekeepers” continues to be a hot topic. When we can’t get referrals to our target prospects from people they trust, we’re left … Read more »

The Engaging Game (Issue 459)

In which we are reminded that starting conversations with people is the heart of prospecting. “We are trying to break through the noise and we are using all these scripted lines,” he said, referring to calling prospects for appointments. “At some level, what we need to do is ‘connect with people,’ and start conversations and … Read more »

So What (Issue 458)

In which we learn the importance of asking for the story behind the story before we present our recommendations. Someone made the mistake this week of asking me, “If you could only teach one skill to improve sales performance, what would it be?” That’s a question akin to, “If you could boil the meaning of … Read more »

Give Me One Good Reason (Issue 457)

In which we learn that “leading with specifics” may accelerate our connections with prospects to whom we’ve not been referred (that being the BEST way to connect with prospects). I’m listening to my 18-year old daughter call a friend. She wants to “do something.” It sounds something like this (I can hear half the conversation): Read more »

Knives for Neighbors (Issue 456)

In which we are reminded about the power of referrals and associations to accelerate contact with prospects. “They’re great knives,” my newly trained son intoned. “Here, let me show you.” And with that, he was off and cutting, working us through his demonstration. “…And if you need them sharpened, you send them back to the … Read more »

What’s That You Say? (Issue 455)

In which we offer five strategies that respond when a prospect says “I don’t need what you’re selling now.” A lotta cats get stumped when prospects say, “no, not interested now.” Read more »

Trust Me, They Notice (Issue 454)

In this we consider that some of our moves at the beginning of sales calls may not be so smooth. “She wouldn’t even look at me,” Maureen (our practice manager) exclaimed. “I watched her walk across the parking lot, she came to the door, she saw you and shook your hand, you introduced her to … Read more »

Sales Symbolism (Issue 453)

In which we discuss the importance of choosing and developing a personal brand and symbols that align with our clients’ concerns or opportunities. We had a big upset in the Peoples Republic of Massachusetts last week. (No, I’m not referring to the fact that our Boston Celtics continued to lose games with lousy defense and … Read more »

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