bank sales training

Keep It Simple (Issue 599)

In which we are reminded to help our client make decisions by limiting the number of choices to a few. Read more »

Squirrels (Issue 595)

In which we are reminded to slow down – plan our approaches to clients and prospects deliberately – to reduce the impact of unexpected actions. Read more »

Land of 1000 Delights (Issue 594)

In which we are reminded to set clear parameters and priorities in our territory plans. Read more »

Wind Blown (Issue 593)

In which we are reminded to focus on differences  rather than routine questions when we write our call plans. Read more »

Shared Experiences (Issue 592)

In which we are encouraged (tight budgets notwithstanding) to continue investing time and money in “getting out a bit” with clients and prospects.   Read more »

Captivating Rhythm (Issue 591)

In which we are reminded to engage our clients in a flow of conversation rather than stopping every two minutes to demonstrate how much we know. Read more »

The Value We Bring to the Table (Issue 590)

In which we are reminded not to fall for the bait of taking an order just because the customer asked for it. Read more »

Make It Specific (Issue 588)

In which we are encouraged to describe ourselves in terms of the specifics of what we do rather than the titles others give us. Read more »

Dean’s Lesson (Issue 587)

In which we are reminded of the importance of investing a little time to understand buyers’ “stories behind their stories”  before we attempt to sell. Read more »

Reasons We’ll Never Understand (Issue 586)

In which we are reminded to be a little careful before “doing someone a favor.” Read more »

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