bank sales training

Simple, Neat, and Incomplete (Issue 535)

In which we are reminded to step back and look for the broader picture before we pitch solution for the problem we’ve just heard. Read more »

A Little Excitement (Issue 531)

In which we are reminded that we need to market (attract attention) before we can sell. Read more »

Storm-Chasers (Issue 530)

In which we are reminded that early warning systems are the key to generating timely new ideas for clients or to avoiding trouble. Read more »

(Sometimes) It Isn’t Only About the Money (Issue 529)

In which we are reminded that our clients make decisions to change based on a broader set of factors than cost savings and that, sometimes, cost savings isn’t even first on the list. Read more »

Question Elegance (Issue 528)

In which we are urged to increase the attention we pay to context in the questions we ask. Read more »

Sell the Strengths (Issue 527)

In which we are reminded to sell the strengths we have rather than those we wish for. Read more »

Planting Seeds in Conversation (Issue 526)

In which we are reminded that the seeds for future sales come from the sales fruit we harvest now. Read more »

Stir ‘Em Up (Issue 524)

From the “Unreferred Approaches to Prospects” Department: We are reminded that we can’t pitch our benefits to prospects unless we first get their attention. Read more »

No Bonehead Mistakes (Issue 523)

In which we are reminded that even small mistakes can fatally undermine our credibility and effectiveness with prospects Read more »

Bear Marketing (Issue 522)

In which we are reminded that the heart and art of sales is understanding and working our prospects’ desires and feelings. Read more »

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