Buck Bierly

Irrigation (Issue 617)

In which we are reminded to drip feed our inactive prospects routinely. Read more »

Perspective (Issue 615)

In which we are reminded to speak in our clients’ tongues, not our own. Read more »

Your Story in My Words (Issue 613)

In which we are reminded to help our clients see their stories in our descriptions about our businesses. Read more »

Tell Me Why (Issue 611)

In which we are reminded to ask our referral sources WHY they are referring us to their colleagues or clients.  Read more »

Question with Those Fries? (Issue 610)

In which we are reminded…once again… to ask questions EVEN WHEN WE’RE SURE  we have a good idea. Read more »

Contingencies (Issue 609)

In which we are reminded that not everything (anything?) goes as planned – good to have a back up in advance. Read more »

Clients Who Know (Issue 608)

In which we are reminded: We run a risk when we assume that clients correctly understand their problems. Read more »

Something to Talk About (Issue 606)

In which we are encouraged to find and share news or statistics with our clients and prospects that will prompt conversation about the little mysteries that are critical to their businesses. Read more »

Taken for a Fool (Issue 605)

In which we are reminded to be a little skeptical about what we hear from our prospects and customers. Read more »

Genuine (Issue 604)

In which we discuss the gentle art of the compliment. Read more »

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