MZ Bierly

Four Years! (Issue 730)

In which we are reminded that, when we lose clients, the warning signs have been there for a while. We could have done something about it. Read more »

Look Back! (Issue 729)

In which we are reminded to look back at our client relationships to make sure nothing has changed while we were looking in a different direction. Read more »

Change from the Periphery (Issue 728)

In which we are urged to meet many people in our primary accounts to understand their ideas and intentions well before they turn into action and an RFP. Read more »

Take What The Defense Gives You (Issue 732)

In which we are reminded to pursue issues in which our prospects / clients are interested rather than the issues in which WE are interested. Read more »

It’s About What You’d Expect (Issue 727)

In which we are reminded that bold is better. Read more »

Sedimentary Segmentation (Issue 726)

In which we are reminded that tight focus and strong expertise brings customers to us. Read more »

Baby, It’s Cold Outside (Issue 722)

In which we are reminded to pay attention to our clients ‘FEELINGS’ as well as their facts. Read more »

Sales Leadership (Issue 721)

In which we are reminded…We can lead. Read more »

What Sales Is About (Issue 719)

In which we are reminded about the value proposition that WE are and can be. Read more »

Find Ways to Say “Yes”! (Issue 718)

In which we are reminded that part of our roles as sales professionals is to find ways to say “yes” when the “by the book” answer is, ‘no, we don’t do it that way.” Read more »

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