July 26, 2018 The transition to Universal Banker models involves more than cross-training branch staff on branch operations, bestowing new titles, and paying higher salaries in the hope of achieving greater branch sales success. Clarity President, Nick Miller, joined Peak Performance Group President, David Kerstein, and Director, Ric Carey, on a Peak Performance Group Webinar today to share perspectives of the transformation road. While there are significant benefits in switching to universal banker models – lower FTE, improved employee retention, higher customer satisfaction scores, and higher sales among them, banks considering the transformation must address a number of issues…
- Uncertainty about which branches to transform
- Internal floor plans (closed vs. open_
- Incentives plan
- Staff fit and skills for the new model
… one of the most important is the “branch manager’s mindset” – the shift in their roles from “site controller” and “smartest person in the branch” to “player-coach in a constantly evolving lobby scenarios” in which all staff members are trained to conduct both internal and external sales activities for all branch-delivered products and services.
Miller’s comments focused on five steps for designing and implementing training to support the shift from traditional to universal banker roles:
- Determining specific expectations
- Translating expectations into competencies
- Assessing team member fit and skill/knowledge gaps
- Designing learning to support the transition from traditional to ‘universal’ roles
- Identifying resources – Repurpose? Build? Or Buy?
For more information, contact Nick Miller (nickmiller@clarityadvantage.com) or David Kerstein (dkerstein@peakperformancegroup.com)
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