Better Questions, Listening

Where Do You Feel the Pain (Issue 554)

In which we recommend questions that ask specifically about performance rather than asking “where does it hurt?”  Read more »

Don’t Ask That (Issue 553)

In which we are reminded not to ask the question, “What keeps you up at night?” Read more »

This Time, With Feeling (Issue 551)

In which we are reminded to reflect on the emotional side of business as well as the facts. Read more »

A Bet They Can Tolerate (Issue 550)

In which we are reminded to consider the disruption that accompanies change when clients buy our products or services. Read more »

What Might Be Different (Issue 549)

In which we are prompted to move with the flow, to the future, when a prospect puts us off. Read more »

I’d Like to Think About It (Issue 546)

In which we are reminded to take some time…before we make a recommendation. Read more »

Just Enough Rope (Issue 544)

In which we are reminded to position and sell only what our clients are able to absorb and implement. Read more »

Staple Yourself to the Process(Issue 542)

In which we are reminded to be curious – ask for the details rather than being satisfied with high level answers.  Read more »

Before The Cold Sets In (Issue 540)

In which we are reminded to engage our clients on what’s top of mind for them right now rather than on what’s top of mind for us. Read more »

An Early Lesson (Issue 539)

In which we are reminded to focus first on relationship and value demonstration, then on the commissionable task. Read more »

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