Better Questions, Listening

Matted Down (Issue 537)

In which we are reminded to follow our “broad” questions with very specific questions that tease out the detailed facts we need to propose value-based solutions. Read more »

Totally Concrete (Issue 536)

In which we are reminded to clarify terms we don’t understand before presenting ideas. Read more »

Simple, Neat, and Incomplete (Issue 535)

In which we are reminded to step back and look for the broader picture before we pitch solution for the problem we’ve just heard. Read more »

Question Elegance (Issue 528)

In which we are urged to increase the attention we pay to context in the questions we ask. Read more »

Planting Seeds in Conversation (Issue 526)

In which we are reminded that the seeds for future sales come from the sales fruit we harvest now. Read more »

What’s Different (Issue 520)

In which we are reminded to look for what’s different in the companies we call on rather than for what’s the same. Read more »

Head Voices (Issue 519)

In which we are reminded to focus on our clients’ voices to silence the voices in our heads. Read more »

Planning Ahead (Issue 517)

In which we are reminded to prepare call questions and responses to likely challenges lest we fallon our faces. Read more »

Can’t Get There from Here (Issue 516)

In which we are reminded that a certain amount of flexibility in sales conversations is helpful, even if it ain’t what we expected. Read more »

Newsguys (Issue 515)

In which we are reminded that sales is, at heart, an interview about which we can learn from from news guys. Read more »

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