
Marching Saints (Issue 1146)

In which we are reminded that good coaches help us perform better than we think we can. I may have shared this story before and I’ve been reminded of it this week. Several years ago, I arranged for a New Orleans traditional brass band to kick off a conference in which I was the Master … Read more »

Role Plays, Anyone? (Issue 1124)

In which we are reminded WHY we (should, really) practice. Read more »

Practice (Issue 1117)

In which we are encouraged to practice slowly and to record often when learning new sales skills. Read more »

This Session Should Be Recorded (Issue 1082)

In which we are encouraged to record ourselves – our introductions, our pitches, our presentations – to polish them to full shine. Read more »

The Mooring Field (Issue 1053)

In which we are reminded there is no shame in asking for assistance when we should ask for assistance to avoid damaging property, relationships, or opportunities.  “Do you need help?” A much more seasoned sailor called to us from a launch retrieving folks from another boat in the mooring field. We’d been sailing a 15’ … Read more »

Just Because You’ve Done It (Issue 1023)

In which we are encouraged, at any point in our careers,  to invite a coach to watch us perform and share feedback to improve our technique. Read more »

The Voice of Potential Consequences (Issue 1013)

In which we’re reminded to help our clients see what may happen if they don’t change course. Read more »

Never Go Out Without Treats (Issue 1006)

In which we are reminded to notice, recognize, and reward or compliment our colleagues’ (or children’s) productive performance even when they perform well, routinely. Read more »

Imitate (Issue 994)

In which we are encouraged to develop our skills by observing and imitating “the masters”.  Read more »

A Simple Game (Issue 987)

In which we are encouraged to raise continuously our performance through study and practice. Read more »

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