Weekly Sales Thoughts

Memorial Day (Issue 1049)

In honor of Memorial Day, in lieu of what I usually write, may I share with you my perspective of the holiday. Read more »

Squirrels (Issue 1043)

In which we are reminded to set priorities and put boundaries around our sales efforts. Read more »

Fully Ready (Issue 1042)

In which we are reminded that “feeling you’re ready” is different from “being fully ready”. Read more »

Beyond Our Scope (Issue 1041)

In which we are reminded that, sometimes, we have to help a client solve a problem or remove an obstacle that is outside of our normal scope so they can move forward with services we CAN provide. Read more »

Amplify the Melody (Issue 1040)

In which we are reminded that our proposals should emphasize one or two ideas clearly to ensure clients can hear them. Read more »

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