Weekly Sales Thoughts

An Early Lesson (Issue 539)

In which we are reminded to focus first on relationship and value demonstration, then on the commissionable task. Read more »

Home Ice (Issue 538)

In which we are reminded that, to win in a competitive situation, we need to build our fan base inside our prospects’ organizations well before we make our move to sell. Read more »

Matted Down (Issue 537)

In which we are reminded to follow our “broad” questions with very specific questions that tease out the detailed facts we need to propose value-based solutions. Read more »

Totally Concrete (Issue 536)

In which we are reminded to clarify terms we don’t understand before presenting ideas. Read more »

Simple, Neat, and Incomplete (Issue 535)

In which we are reminded to step back and look for the broader picture before we pitch solution for the problem we’ve just heard. Read more »

Old Habits (Issue 534)

In which we are encouraged to ask others to help us identify and correct old habits that hold us back. Read more »

Counterintuitive (Issue 533)

In which we are reminded that the fastest path to our objectives isn’t always the familiar one. Read more »

The Quality of the Question (Issue 532)

In which we are reminded that the value we create in our sales conversations is proportional to the quality of the questions we ask and whose interests we are attempting to serve by asking them. Read more »

A Little Excitement (Issue 531)

In which we are reminded that we need to market (attract attention) before we can sell. Read more »

Storm-Chasers (Issue 530)

In which we are reminded that early warning systems are the key to generating timely new ideas for clients or to avoiding trouble. Read more »

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