Weekly Sales Thoughts

Bringing Our Prospects to Us (Issue 447)

In which we explore “expertise marketing” – speak, write, or be written about – as a pipeline development strategy. Read more »

Trusted Advisors (Issue 445)

Comes one who seeks to be my trusted advisor with a seat at the Trusted Advisor table. My Urban Spoon app wouldn’t open on my iPHone. Neither would the other apps I’d downloaded. Read more »

What Have You Done For Me Lately (Issue 444)

In which we are reminded…. and  reminded… and reminded… to remind out clients about the value we’re creating with them. “What time is your flight,” inquired my driver? I climbed into his cab at 5:30 pm, leaving my hotel in Chicago bound for O’Hare airport. “7:10 pm,” I replied. Read more »

Which Way Do We Go? (Issue 443)

In which we learn to ask a fairly personal question answers to which will help us develop our account strategies. “So, what is your Plan B,” I asked? Read more »

Show Me That ‘Cha Love Me (Issue 442)

In which we’re reminded to call even our smallest clients at least once per year to check in. “I’m really disappointed in how your firm has taken care of us,” I said to the managing partner. Read more »

Globe Corner (Issue 441)

In which we are reminded to continue developing our personal expertise, investing in ourselves. “I wonder how this book store is different from the Harvard Coop and the other bookstores within two blocks of here?” Read more »

Decisions They Have To Make Anyway (Issue 440)

In which we discuss questions that can help us facilitate when clients “go away.” About two weeks ago, I called a financial advisory services company to ask for help addressing a challenge that our company faces. Read more »

Translating for Trust (Issue 439)

In which we consider the importance of emotion as well as facts when confirming what we’ve heard. “We are honored and delighted that you are here with us this evening, sharing this meal, living with your host families for a week. We have enjoyed sharing with you…” Read more »

Decisions, Decisions (Issue 438)

“So, I had to make the decision,” she said. “The tests said that I was in the middle zone for risk, which meant that the treatment options weren’t precisely defined. Doctors are pretty clear about preferred treatment plans if you’re in the low risk zone or the high risk zone, and it’s confusing in the … Read more »

Skip’s Lesson (Issue 437)

In which we are reminded that we own the leads we’re given, no matter how bad (or good) they are. “Here,” he said, handing me the torque wrench, gently pushing me on my mechanic’s creeper under the car. “You’re going to tighten these.” Read more »

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