Curating Content (Issue 936)

In which we are reminded to curate and share with our clients good content wherever we find it! Read more »

Differentiating Consistency (Issue 935)

In which we are reminded about consistency in the elements that differentiate us from other sales people and suppliers. Read more »

Future Vision Benefits (Issue 934)

In which we are reminded to make some benefits personal when we’re positioning our product or service benefits. Read more »

Two Doctors (Issue 933)

In which we are encouraged to lead our clients to new insights rather than reacting to their requests or complaints. Read more »

Something to be Said for Experience (Issue 931)

Product Pushing? (Issue 930)

In which we are reminded that pushing product or restricting client choices aren’t, by definition, bad practices. Read more »

Did You Really Want to Hear? (Issue 929)

In which we are reminded that the answers we hear are, often, influenced by the interest we convey…or don’t. Read more »

No News (Issue 928)

In which we are reminded to communicate frequently and accurately with clients as we’re selling and implementing after the sale.   Read more »

Hot Pepper Anticipation (Issue 927)

In which we are reminded that sometimes, we have to rescue clients from their decisions. Read more »

Blowing Leaves Downwind (Issue 926)

In which we are encouraged to think about the whole system we’re selling into rather than just the specific problem now on the table. Read more »

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