bank training

The Reason to Buy (Issue 585)

In which we are reminded that focus on the core benefits of our product or service help us close sales where others couldn’t. Read more »

We Own the Questions (Issue 584)

In which we explore  tracking our own activities in detail. Read more »

Wide of the Mark (Issue 582)

In which we are reminded to sell at multiple levels in larger organizations, not just at the business owner or “C” level. Read more »

A Little More Zip (Issue 581)

In which we are reminded to bring something new and tantalizing on our sales calls to engage our clients. Read more »

Sounds in Darkness (Issue 580)

In which we are reminded that listening, really listening,  involves more than words. Read more »

Small Orders (Issue 579)

In which we are reminded to leave a good taste in customers’ mouths, even if they place small orders. Read more »

I Didn’t Know You Did That (Issue 578)

In which we are reminded that we need to share stories with our clients and ask questions focused on topics outside of their current dealings with us in order to have a first chance at their new issues that arise. Read more »

Transitions (Issue 577)

In which we are reminded to include transitions in our pre-call planning. Read more »

Varying the Mix (Issue 575)

In which we are reminded to vary the pace, style, and focus of our questions to maintain energy and engagement during sales calls. Read more »

Take What the Defense is Giving (Issue 574)

In which we are reminded to pursue issues in which our prospects / clients are interested rather than the issues in which WE are interested. Read more »

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