banking industry

Squirrels (Issue 1043)

In which we are reminded to set priorities and put boundaries around our sales efforts. Read more »

Fully Ready (Issue 1042)

In which we are reminded that “feeling you’re ready” is different from “being fully ready”. Read more »

Beyond Our Scope (Issue 1041)

In which we are reminded that, sometimes, we have to help a client solve a problem or remove an obstacle that is outside of our normal scope so they can move forward with services we CAN provide. Read more »

Amplify the Melody (Issue 1040)

In which we are reminded that our proposals should emphasize one or two ideas clearly to ensure clients can hear them. Read more »

Digital Technology Trends in Banking 2020-2025

March 11, 2020 Banking magazines Banking NY (Jan/Feb 2020), Banking Mid-Atlantic States (Issue 1 2020), and Banking New England (3/11/20) have published Clarity President Nick Miller’s article, Digital Technology Trends in Banking 2020-2025. He points to three trends that will be prominent in the banking industry: Digital transformation, including digital marketing, payments, analytics, voice recognition, … Read more »

Little Pops (Issue 961)

In which we are encouraged to touch our clients and prospects more frequently with tastier morsels. Read more »

One or Two Will Do (Issue 946)

In which we are reminded to limit our responses to client questions to one or two ideas at a time. Read more »

Sales Insights for What May Be The New Normal

April 14, 2020 Clarity President Nick Miller with friends Jack Hubbard (St. Meyer & Hubbard) and Ned Miller ( Third Act Sales Consulting ) created a “Three Amigos” video highlighting strategies for the Covid-19 influenced sales world. Ned Miller focused primarily on the importance of clear focus, a plan, and maintaining routines. Nick Miller focused … Read more »

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