branch small business training

Practice the Right Stuff Right (Issue 984)

In which we are reminded that, while practice is good, practicing the right stuff correctly is even better. Read more »

Again, Please… Slower (Issue 983)

In which we are reminded to speak slower, breathe, and pause so clients can follow us. Read more »

Try It, You’ll Like It (Issue 981)

In which we are reminded that offering free samples can generate demand for services. Read more »

Brighter Whites (Issue 980)

In which we are reminded that “honest assessments” can activate client defenses.   Read more »

Lists (Issue 979)

In which we are reminded that clients are most delighted when we think ahead and bring them useful  ideas.   Read more »

Too Much Haste to Advocate (Issue 978)

In which we are reminded that one question isn’t a good discovery conversation, no matter what the reply. Read more »

One Silent Minute (Issue 977)

In which we give thanks honoring those who have nurtured us along the way. Read more »

What Do You Want To Do? (Issue 976)

In which we are reminded that an advisor’s first role may be to help clients clarify their goals. Read more »

Failed Sale (Issue 975)

In which we are reminded to pay attention and respond to all stakeholders in a sale.  Read more »

Preparation Time (Issue 974)

In which we are reminded that thorough sales call preparation takes time, often more than we think. Read more »

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