Try It, You’ll Like It (Issue 981)

In which we are reminded that offering free samples can generate demand for services. Read more »

Brighter Whites (Issue 980)

In which we are reminded that “honest assessments” can activate client defenses.   Read more »

Lists (Issue 979)

In which we are reminded that clients are most delighted when we think ahead and bring them useful  ideas.   Read more »

Too Much Haste to Advocate (Issue 978)

In which we are reminded that one question isn’t a good discovery conversation, no matter what the reply. Read more »

One Silent Minute (Issue 977)

In which we give thanks honoring those who have nurtured us along the way. Read more »

What Do You Want To Do? (Issue 976)

In which we are reminded that an advisor’s first role may be to help clients clarify their goals. Read more »

Failed Sale (Issue 975)

In which we are reminded to pay attention and respond to all stakeholders in a sale.  Read more »

Preparation Time (Issue 974)

In which we are reminded that thorough sales call preparation takes time, often more than we think. Read more »

Perfect Is The Enemy of the Good (Issue 973)

In which we are reminded to fit for purpose rather than perfect. Read more »

Sails Planning (Issue 972)

In which we are reminded to develop and discuss  sales plans lest we run aground when conditions change. Read more »

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