Better Questions, Listening

Take Nothing for Granted (Issue 478)

In which we consider curiosity about our clients’ and prospects’ statements and assertions that all is well. Read more »

Creaky Knees (Issue 477)

In which we revisit the importance of looking at the whole picture even when someone says, “it hurts …right … here.” Read more »

Looking for Spoons (Issue 475)

… in which we discover the benefits of asking broader questions before we qualify someone for our products. It’s a small cafeteria. Solid food to the right. Salad to the left. Cashier at the end. Read more »

How Much Is That Doggie? (Issue 471)

In which we are reminded to answer questions with questions and to delay quoting a price until we know what we’re being asked to quote. Read more »

Taking A View (Issue 463)

In which we are reminded that being a good advisor to clients often means leading them. Read more »

Ready Comprehension (Issue 461)

In which we are reminded to listen beyond the point at which we think we know the solution to a client’s problem or challenge. Read more »

So What (Issue 458)

In which we learn the importance of asking for the story behind the story before we present our recommendations. Someone made the mistake this week of asking me, “If you could only teach one skill to improve sales performance, what would it be?” That’s a question akin to, “If you could boil the meaning of … Read more »

Insultative vs. Consultative Sales (Issue 452)

In which we are reminded that “consultative selling” involves the application of judgment. 7:00 am. Breakfast. Lloyd’s Diner, Natick, Massachusetts. [Don’t ask why. I’m sure I had a good reason.] Read more »

Which Way Do We Go? (Issue 443)

In which we learn to ask a fairly personal question answers to which will help us develop our account strategies. “So, what is your Plan B,” I asked? Read more »

Decisions They Have To Make Anyway (Issue 440)

In which we discuss questions that can help us facilitate when clients “go away.” About two weeks ago, I called a financial advisory services company to ask for help addressing a challenge that our company faces. Read more »

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