Managing Sales Process

Buying Decisions (Issue 701)

In which we are reminded that buyers sometimes stop or slow down their processes with us because of related or unrelated issues. Read more »

Keeping Up To Date (Issue 700)

In which we are reminded to document our sales and client management activities day by day (even ‘though that’s about the last thing in the world we want to spend time on). Read more »

I Want An Opinion (Issue 699)

In which we are reminded that, frequently, it’s our expertise rather than the products we sell that earn us clients and commissions. Read more »

A Mother’s Love (Issue 698)

In which we are reminded that complaints or expressions of interest are not sufficient foundations to pitch. Read more »

On the Trail (Issue 697)

In which we are urged to get out from behind our desks and go TO our clients to earn their business. Read more »

Movement in the Mercado (Issue 695)

In which we learn marketing from Mercado merchants’ movement. Read more »

Stop the Bleeding (Issue 693)

In which we are reminded to maintain a broad view and help our clients solve the problems that are immediate and urgent, whether or not we make a sale in that moment. Read more »

A Time to Plan (Issue 692)

In which we are reminded to take the time to plan calls and meetings, early enough, when it counts. Read more »

Look Up! (Issue 691)

In which we are reminded to look up and ahead, from time to time, amidst our intense focus on sales activities. Read more »

Seeds of Doubt (Issue 690)

In which we wonder about the sagacity of posting “away” messages on email or voice mail. Read more »

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