
Four Brushes (Issue 512)

In which we are reminded to vary the content of our prospecting approaches while we maintain our routine frequencies. Read more »

Frost Bite (Issue 505)

In which we consider how long to pursue cold prospects. Read more »

Leave a Trace (Issue 499)

In which we are reminded to leave a trace or a trail for our prospects so they can find us when they want to talk to us. Read more »

Standing Out in the Crowd (Issue 495)

In which we discuss strategies to draw attention and attract  prospects and referrals. During a training session for branch managers and small business bankers, I shifted the focus from typical networking and prospecting to “attraction marketing” – attracting prospects to you rather than you stalking and chasing them. Read more »

Connections That Can Be Trusted (Issue 493)

In which we discuss the power of referrals rather than magic words to secure appointments with prospects. In our neck of the woods, Harry Potter movies appear on various cable channels almost as frequently as “storm chaser” programs featuring lunatics who chase or who are chased by tornadoes. Read more »

Reasons to Meet (Issue 490)

In which we are reminded that we can generate reasons for prospects to pay attention to us when we approach. We’ve just received notice that a local “light opera” company is planning to perform the musical, The Music Man, in a few weeks time. Read more »

Turning Over New Leaves (Issue 481)

In which we discuss strategies to reduce rejection (and feeling down about it) in prospecting. Read more »

I’d At Least Be Curious (Issue 470)

In which we discuss (at some length) the importance of resonating with your prospects pain points when you’re approaching to begin conversation. Read more »

Getting Through Gatekeepers (Issue 460)

In which we are reminded that working with gatekeepers can increase our chances of success entering a new buying center when we can’t get a referral from a trusted third party. “Getting though gatekeepers” continues to be a hot topic. When we can’t get referrals to our target prospects from people they trust, we’re left … Read more »

The Engaging Game (Issue 459)

In which we are reminded that starting conversations with people is the heart of prospecting. “We are trying to break through the noise and we are using all these scripted lines,” he said, referring to calling prospects for appointments. “At some level, what we need to do is ‘connect with people,’ and start conversations and … Read more »

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