Weekly Sales Thoughts

(Sometimes) It Isn’t Only About the Money (Issue 529)

In which we are reminded that our clients make decisions to change based on a broader set of factors than cost savings and that, sometimes, cost savings isn’t even first on the list. Read more »

Question Elegance (Issue 528)

In which we are urged to increase the attention we pay to context in the questions we ask. Read more »

Sell the Strengths (Issue 527)

In which we are reminded to sell the strengths we have rather than those we wish for. Read more »

Planting Seeds in Conversation (Issue 526)

In which we are reminded that the seeds for future sales come from the sales fruit we harvest now. Read more »

Don’t Blow It (Issue 525)

In which we are reminded that  balance and focus are critical to finishing the year strong. Read more »

Stir ‘Em Up (Issue 524)

From the “Unreferred Approaches to Prospects” Department: We are reminded that we can’t pitch our benefits to prospects unless we first get their attention. Read more »

No Bonehead Mistakes (Issue 523)

In which we are reminded that even small mistakes can fatally undermine our credibility and effectiveness with prospects Read more »

Bear Marketing (Issue 522)

In which we are reminded that the heart and art of sales is understanding and working our prospects’ desires and feelings. Read more »

A Short Message (Issue 521)

in which we are reminded that, when leaving messages with prospects’ assistants or team members, short and clear are the way. Read more »

What’s Different (Issue 520)

In which we are reminded to look for what’s different in the companies we call on rather than for what’s the same. Read more »

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