If You Had Come to Me In Friendship (Issue 1090)

In which we are reminded to invest in relationships before we need them. Read more »

When Ants Go Marching… (Issue 1089)

In which we are reminded that, if prospects don’t bite on the first bait we offer to get their attention, we could switch bait rather than dishing up more of the same. Read more »

What’s the Payoff? (Issue 1088)

In which we are encouraged to move clients forward by exploring their incentives to change…or not. Read more »

Clues (Issue 1087)

In which we are reminded that we are (probably) more transparent to our clients than we think. Read more »

One They Can Remember (!ssue 1086)

In which we are reminded to create a short, memorable description of what we do. Read more »

When The Door Opens… (Issue 1085)

In which we are reminded to always be ready… you just can’t tell when the door will open. Read more »

What Question Would Work? (Issue 1084)

In which we are challenged to think of a respectful yet strong enough question that could prompt new thinking. Read more »

Sargent Under Glass (Issue 1083)

In which we are reminded that we need to  understand client preconceptions about us and our services so they’re not disappointed from the get-go. Read more »

This Session Should Be Recorded (Issue 1082)

In which we are encouraged to record ourselves – our introductions, our pitches, our presentations – to polish them to full shine. Read more »

More Than Plausible Answers (Issue 1081)

In which we are reminded that people depend on us for accurate responses to their questions AND insights or guidance beyond what they can get through a search engine. Read more »

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