
In which we are reminded, focus first on people and relationships before moving to task and business. “Don’t talk business until the spoon hits the ice cream.” This single, crisp sentence stands out from a six hour  seminar through which Somers White led me and other consultants … 25 years ago. Why, that’s … an … Read more »

More Directly to the Point

In which we are urged to get right to the point in written correspondence. A letter received this week. From an investment company.  Playing the “fear” card boldly. Read more »

Their Story

In which we learn the value of “putting people in their story” when selling. She was crisp, smart, blonde, and she left with a check. A  V E R Y  big check.  After she left, my wife looked at me and said, “I wasn’t planning to buy this morning, were you?” Read more »

Three Minutes

In which we’re reminded to give a BRIEF introduction to ourselves and our companies when starting a conversation. You would never do this. It was probably my fault. Maybe I just set him up the wrong way. Read more »

It’s All About Them

In which we are reminded, when prospecting, on whom to focus. My daughter the high school junior receives ten to twelve letters a week from colleges seeking her attention and our money. The colleges are the sellers. My daughter is their prospect.  Read more »

Figuring It Out … Up Front

In which we discuss the preparation needed before calling a prospect. I’m holding a document whose title screams “Get Rich Quick in Real Estate… NOW!” A more careful reading yields a more subdued, “no-money down strategies for today’s down market” and provides a critical lesson for us when we’re prospecting. Read more »

We Just Assumed

In which we discuss the dangers of “just assuming” we know what our clients prefer. My son’s recovery from wisdom teeth removal included a “dry socket” which, for the uninitiated, translates as dull, throbbing pain at an extraction site accompanied by more than the usual swelling two to three days after the extraction.  Read more »

Ask First. Then Tell.

In which we remind ourselves that clients don’t always want our advice. A friend called a couple of weeks ago to check in. We hadn’t spoken for a while, so he asked, “What’s new with  Clarity?” I responded — business has been good, we have two new articles out, and we’ve just launched our refreshed … Read more »

Five Questions to Ask in January

In which we offer five questions to understand your clients’ big pictures for the year. What better time to expand your conversation with your customers and than in January. Why? They’re finishing their plans for the eleven upcoming months and their New Year’s resolve and resolutions are still top of mind. Read more »

Do You Know The Way?

In which we describe a simple technique which opens the door to differentiation and higher value added. I walk hills for fun and exercise.  Midway through Saturday’s walk, I could hear a car approaching me from the rear, slowing down… stopping…. rolling again…. stopping…coming closer… stopping.  Remembering Spiro Agnew’s observation that “Just because you’re paranoid … Read more »

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