Ho, Hum

In which we’re reminded to tailor and differentiate our unsolicited approaches to prospects. 2:00 pm. I’m at my desk, working. The phone rings. Caller: Hi Nick this is John Greene at (Securities Firm A) in Chelmsford, how are you today? Me: Great, John. What’s this about? Read more »

Name That Tune

In which we are encouraged to savor our clients’ answers to each of our questions rather than rushing to judgment. Just before the turn of the year, I participated in a “music circle” – 15 guitar players and singers in a circle, amusing themselves on a cold evening by playing and singing songs ranging from … Read more »

122208 What Do You Like About…

In which we learn to ask a specific question to ensure the solutions we propose don’t draw out an immediate objection. In the midst of a spectacularly beautiful snow storm, I joined a Christmas party that included immediate neighbors. As I glided past a small gaggle of them to grab a grape, I overheard the … Read more »

121508 What Do You Do?

In which we are reminded: Focus on results or impact when we introduce ourselves to prospects. A long time ago, in a part of my life I can barely remember, I attended a party in Los Angeles. After a bit, I collided with a woman of about my own age and stature. “Hi,” I explained. … Read more »

120808 Not Just One Thing

In which we are reminded, “Don’t rule any prospect or group of prospects out” on the basis of a sweeping generalization. During a recent conversation with a woman friend, she said, with a combination of distress, disgust, and disdain, “Ah, what does it matter? Men are all the same.” Read more »

It Should Be All About Them

In which we are reminded to focus on business issues rather than “products at a price” if we want to develop value-based relationships with our clients and prospects.   Unexpected voice mail from an employee we know at one of the banks we use:   “Hi, Nick, this is Susan Smith, I just wanted to … Read more »

111708 Going In With A Script

In which we learn to be brilliant and be brief when we’re pitching an idea.   What could we learn from the challenges of pitching movie script ideas to production companies?   Read more »

111008 Lessons From Super-Learners

In which we’re reminded that our value comes from our ability to learn, synthesize, and put ideas together.   Our visit to our son’s college for Freshman Parents Weekend included reading an article, Secrets of the Super-Learners, from which: Read more »

110308 Just One Thing

In which we are reminded that focus helps us build our success faster. When I took my first full-time sales position as an independent “manufacturer’s rep” representing more than 20 different products, one of the most experienced, successful reps told me,   “Pick one product and get really good at that. Focus all of your … Read more »

102708 Puzzler Solution

Last week’s Puzzler began:   A partner at a “white shoe” New York investment bank (now out of business due to the recent financial unpleasantness) was preparing his deal team for a dinner meeting with a client’s executive team, all men, 50-ish years old. The team was working on its first transaction for the client. … Read more »

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