bank training

Five Pints (Issue 831)

In which we consider whether blindly increasing sales team account loads (to make a business model work) is the best plan. Read more »

Mothers Day Rain Delay (Issue 830)

In which we are reminded to help clients navigate delays by setting specific expectations and communicating frequently. Read more »

Figure It Out Before You’re Forced Out (Issue 829)

In which we are urged to look ahead four years at our sales roles and prepare for what’s (very likely) coming. Read more »

Dance Moves (Issue 828)

In which we learn that “how we move’ may be more memorable than “what we say” in sales presentations. Read more »

You Eat Like A Bird! (Issue 827)

In which we are encouraged to understand context before we pitch recommendations. Read more »

The Monarch’s Path (Issue 826)

In which we are reminded that, since few buyers really like to be “sold” anything, we can’t look like we’re selling. Read more »

Make Them (Our Mistakes) Playable (Issue 825)

In which we are reminded that good call “mechanics” will save us when we make mistakes. Read more »

Brief Moment Branding (Issue 824)

In which we are reminded that, fair or not, clients and prospects judge us, often, based on brief moments of experience.  Read more »

Home Remedies (Issue 823)

In which we are reminded that it’s useful to know multiple ways to configure our products (or even other companies’ products) to solve clients’ problems so that we add value and keep the relationships Read more »

No Fiddling (Issue 822)

In which we are reminded, sales is a tough instrument. Keep practicing, regardless of how good the numbers are. Read more »

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