Buck Bierly

A (Christmas) Prospecting Tale (Issue 811)

In which we are reminded that consistent research is a key to offering timely, high impact ideas to prospects and clients. Read more »

Differentating Standard Products (Issue 810)

In which we see how to position standard products as “fresh” and “built just for you.” Read more »

Absolutely Convinced (Issue 809)

In which we are reminded that many clients are motivated to buy more by fear of failure than by positive benefits of change. Read more »

When Buyers Are Stuck In Ruts (Issue 808)

In which we are encouraged to move on when it’s clear that we should move on. Read more »

You Pause, You Lose (Issue 807)

In which we learn to regain the lead in a conversation by eliminating pauses. Read more »

Pause Before Flaming (Issue 806)

In which we are reminded to warm people up a little bit before we “turn on the heat” in prospecting conversations.  Read more »

Pre-Cog Research (Issue 805)

In which we are encouraged to think ahead and prepare for a range of possible outcomes in our sales calls. Read more »

Chalk Creek (Issue 804)

In which we are reminded that our brand as sales people depends on getting both the obvious and hidden details right. Read more »

Social Value (Issue 803)

In which we are encouraged to “play big” in the charitable or non-profit world as a way of leveling the playing field with people with whom we’d like to do business. Read more »

Prospecting Tip: Stay Away from the Tourists (Issue 801)

In which we are reminded to go where others ain’t when we’re networking or building community. Read more »

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