Monarch Innovation Awards

Products That Don’t Sell (Issue 902)

In which we are reminded that, if clients don’t like, desire, or need one of our products, lower prices likely aren’t  the issue. Read more »

Fresh Eyes (Issue 899)

In which we are encouraged to engage someone’s fresh eyes to review our major clients with us, lest we’ve missed something important. Read more »

Introducing the Sauce (Issue 897)

In which we are reminded that a referral from a trusted source is the best way to stand out among the many similar providers who seek our prospects’ attentions. Read more »

Engaging New Friends (Issue 896)

In which we are reminded that people “out there” are reading what we write on line…. Really! Read more »

A Place to Start (Issue 895)

In which we are encouraged to give clients an easy first “yes” from which we then can expand a relationship. Read more »

Start Simple. Assume Nothing. (Issue 892)

In which we are reminded to check the basics, first, when we are assessing client challenges. Read more »

It Isn’t “Small” Talk (Issue 890)

In which we are reminded to dig in, behind the surface chit chat, to learn more about our clients. Read more »

Changing the Light Bulb (Issue 889)

In which we are reminded that, on average, most humans WOULD prefer to change rather than suffer. Read more »

Die, Rather Than Change (Issue 888)

In which we are encouraged to stop “missionary” selling and let go of the prospects who really won’t change. Read more »

What You Do Speaks So Loudly (Issue 887)

In which we are reminded of Ralph Waldo Emerson’s observation, “What you do speaks so loudly I can’t hear what you’re saying.” Read more »

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