Monarch Innovation Awards

Sedimentary Segmentation (Issue 726)

In which we are reminded that tight focus and strong expertise brings customers to us. Read more »

Question the Question (Issue 725)

In which we are reminded, yet again, to find out what’s behind the question before answering. Read more »

Baby, It’s Cold Outside (Issue 722)

In which we are reminded to pay attention to our clients ‘FEELINGS’ as well as their facts. Read more »

Sales Leadership (Issue 721)

In which we are reminded…We can lead. Read more »

What Sales Is About (Issue 719)

In which we are reminded about the value proposition that WE are and can be. Read more »

Find Ways to Say “Yes”! (Issue 718)

In which we are reminded that part of our roles as sales professionals is to find ways to say “yes” when the “by the book” answer is, ‘no, we don’t do it that way.” Read more »

Thinking Ahead (Issue 716)

In which we are encouraged to help our clients think ahead, anticipate, and prepare to solve problems early. Read more »

You CAN’T Be Serious! (Issue 711)

In which we are reminded that we don’t always hear what we think we’ve heard. Read more »

Be Memorable (Issue 709)

In which we are reminded… STAND OUT SOMEHOW. Read more »

Uni-directional (Issue 708)

In which we are reminded to overcome one set of survival instincts so we can pay attention to another. Read more »

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