Ned Miller

It Should Have Been Easy (Issue 915)

In which we are reminded to plan ahead…and confirm…before our sales calls. Read more »

The View From the Infield (Issue 914)

In which we are encouraged to ask for and take “the plant tour” before proposing solutions. Read more »

Eggplant Parm (Issue 913)

In which we are reminded to develop one point, at least, that makes us easily memorable. Read more »

Bear Defense (Issue 912)

In which we are reminded to help our clients anticipate and prepare for yet-unseen future challenges. Read more »

The “Short” Personal Story (Issue 911)

In which we are reminded to craft short versions of our personal stories that prompt conversation. Read more »

You Eat Like A Bird (Issue 910)

In which we are encouraged to look back at a client’s history of decisions and progress before moving forward with recommendations for next steps. Read more »

Get In Early (Issue 909)

In which we are encouraged to proactively approach our clients and prospects rather than waiting for their RFPs. Read more »

Compère Lapin (Issue 908)

In which we are reminded that personalized  attention to  small details can make us memorable. Read more »

Walk Around The House From Time to Time (Issue 907)

In which we are reminded to broaden our range of contacts within each of our clients, beyond the “side of the house” through which we enter. Read more »

We Still Have A Role (Issue 906)

In which we are reminded, we still have a critical role as salespeople in a web-oriented economy. Read more »

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