retail banking

Just Do Something (Issue 1133)

In which we are reminded that doing “one” of something important is better than doing “none”. Read more »

And, Then, Be Quiet (Issue 1132)

In which we are reminded to ‘zip our lips” after we’ve made our pitch or recommendation. Read more »

Bag of Bags (Issue 1131)

In which we are reminded that corporate amnesia helps our clients embrace change. Read more »

Potholes (Issue 1130)

In which we are reminded to maintain a broad field of vision in our clients even as we focus, from time to time, on single issues. Read more »

Advice (Issue 1129)

In which we revisit the idea of asking questions when we’re asked for our opinions.  Read more »

Trip to Detroit (Issue 1128)

In which we are reminded … again … to confirm the gap before recommending a solution.  Read more »

Whether Forecasts (Issue 1127)

In which we are reminded that inaccurate or late-changing sales forecasts can create expensive consequences. We were, all of us, in a fluffle last Monday afternoon. The national and Boston-area weather forecasters were predicting a major snowstorm. For Cambridge, Massachusetts, where I live, they predicted 5 inches to 8 inches of heavy, wet snow driven … Read more »

Signs (Issue 1126)

In which we are reminded that too much focus may mean missed opportunities. Preparing to fly home from a city that shall remain nameless, I drove my rental car through the airport looking for access to the gas station from whose cool, subterranean tanks I needed fuel. I was feeling lucky. No traffic in front … Read more »

Make It Personal (Issue 1125)

In which we are reminded that introductions and referrals involve personal, not paper,  connections.   Read more »

Role Plays, Anyone? (Issue 1124)

In which we are reminded WHY we (should, really) practice. Read more »

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