sales management

Then The Rains Came (Issue 1015)

In which we are reminded about the importance of checking for changes just before client meetings. Read more »

Burnt Sugar (Issue 1014)

In which we are reminded to develop at least one clear differentiator that attracts potential clients to us. Read more »

The Voice of Potential Consequences (Issue 1013)

In which we’re reminded to help our clients see what may happen if they don’t change course. Read more »

Fiber Fortification (Issue 1012)

In which we are reminded, lest we miss the opportunity, to stay close enough to our clients (and friends) that we can anticipate approaching significant decisions in which our experience can be a helpful guide. Read more »

To the Other Side of the House (Issue 1011)

In which we are reminded to, from time to time, look more broadly at our clients’ situations. Read more »

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