Talking to a close friend on Saturday morning about her summer vacation trip:
“So, Bob [her husband] and I were in Montana last week and we were planning the next morning to start a two-day, twenty-five mile hike in Glacier National Park. So, we went grocery shopping and I was looking for breakfast food for the next morning. And I wanted Grape Nuts and there weren’t any Grape Nuts at the store so I tried to recall what my dad would eat for breakfast and he would eat Fiber One. So I bought a box of Fiber One.”
“The next morning, I had a bit of yogurt and I poured myself a large bowl of Fiber One. After I’d finished, I looked at the box and noticed that it’s only 90 calories per cup of cereal and I thought, ‘that’s not a lot of calories and I’m going to need a lot of calories for the hike,’ so I ended up eating half the box.”
“Half the box” is 360 calories and four days…FOUR DAYS… worth of fiber.
“Uh-oh,” I replied.
“Yeah, big ‘uh-oh’ and, not realizing what I had done, I packed Triscuits and dried apples for my snacks.”
More fiber.
“So, how did it go on the hike? You were out for two days like that?”
“Yeah. It was a v e r y challenging two days and I wasn’t back to normal for almost five.”
Sometimes even “they really should have known better” clients and friends make bad purchase or implementation decisions without us.
I laughed. Couldn’t help it. My most charitable thought in the moment was, “I wish I’d have known, I could have helped with that decision.” That was my most charitable thought.
It would have been just lucky if she’d have called or I’d have called her to check in while she was in the grocery store thinking about breakfast foods. [Seriously: How would that have gone, anyway? She says, “I’m thinking about Fiber One for breakfast” and I say, “Oh, make sure you only have one cup of that, no more”? Ummmm, probably not.]
But it does raise the point to stay in touch with friends or clients frequently enough that we’re aware of approaching significant decisions or consequences so we CAN intervene with some education or counsel.
“So, are you bringing the rest of the Fiber One back to Massachusetts with you? I’d be happy to take it.”
“I threw it out.”
Ah, too bad.
Nick Miller and Clarity train banks and bankers to attract and develop deeper relationships with small businesses. Many more Sales Thoughts like this and a host of other articles and resources at .
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