sales tips

What Do You Want To Do? (Issue 976)

In which we are reminded that an advisor’s first role may be to help clients clarify their goals. Read more »

Failed Sale (Issue 975)

In which we are reminded to pay attention and respond to all stakeholders in a sale.  Read more »

Preparation Time (Issue 974)

In which we are reminded that thorough sales call preparation takes time, often more than we think. Read more »

Perfect Is The Enemy of the Good (Issue 973)

In which we are reminded to fit for purpose rather than perfect. Read more »

Sails Planning (Issue 972)

In which we are reminded to develop and discuss  sales plans lest we run aground when conditions change. Read more »

Joy Sells (Issue 971)

In which we are reminded that purpose, intention, energy, and joy make a difference. Read more »

Long Term Goals (Issue 969)

In which we are reminded that, sometimes, our role as friend, advisor, or sales person is to understand and remind people about their long term goals so they don’t undercut them with short-term shiny objects. Read more »

Pathetic (Issue 968)

In which we are reminded to ask (at least) several questions before deciding on a sales recommendation. Read more »

The Sure Thing (Issue 966)

In which we are reminded to include all significant client stakeholders in our proposal development and sales processes. Read more »

Beggars Can’t Be Choosers (Issue 965)

In which we are reminded that the longer we wait and the less we plan, the lower our influence over sales process outcomes. Read more »

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