I have made it, at last. At least that’s what my daughter said. She wrote back to me and said, “Dad, you’ve made it. You appeared in a stock photo.”
That really would be a jewel in the crown, a career moment, high praise, indeed, and it’s not quite true: It’s not a stock photo. It’s a photo of me interviewing Niamh Kristufek, Head of U.S. Business Banking at BMO Harris Bank, at the Arizent/RMA Small Business Banking Conference last year. All unbeknownst to me, the bank chose to use a picture of that interview on the BMO web site – Business Banking, Women in Business. Here’s the link.
On the morning of the interview, we sat on stage together, first thing in the morning, third day of the conference. The focus was BMO‘s investment in and activity to support women in business and women business owners. This is one of Niamh’s passions. What stood out for me then and what stands out for me now is the intensity of her delight and engagement in that mission to such an extent that, by the end of the interview, no kidding, I was ready to go to work for her.
She wasn’t selling anything to me or anybody in the audience. [Well, she was, but not in the traditional sense.] She was sharing, with energy and enough detail that you could really grab on to it, a problem and a vision for addressing it. Another word I’d use to describe it is “joy.” She was engaged, intentional, energized, and joyful.
When we hit that level, we attract, too – friends, prospects, clients, and network members. A clear vision, a passion for it, and enough of a plan that people can see where we’re going. Some people will won’t be attracted; many people will. We want them.
Nick Miller and Clarity train banks and bankers to attract and develop deeper relationships with small businesses. Many more Sales Thoughts like this and a host of other articles and resources at https://clarityadvantage.com/knowledge-center/ .
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