sales tips

Imagine (Issue 945)

In which we are reminded that stories, particularly imaginary “hero’s journey” stories, are powerful vehicles for communicating the value of our products and services. Read more »

Wear The Rubber Gloves (Issue 944)

In which we are reminded that, sometimes, clients need something more than short “log on and follow the prompts” instructions to implement (what we think are) simple procedures changes or products we’ve sold them. Read more »

Let’s Get A Puppy (Issue 943)

In which we are reminded that, when our clients go “short-term”, we should ask, “What if…?”. Read more »

What’s Been Happening? (Issue 942)

In which we are reminded that price is often, perhaps even predominantly, not the reason that our prospects defer or decline our offers. Read more »

Missing The Point (Issue 941)

In which we are reminded to look at the outcomes our clients are seeking to achieve (in addition to understanding what they’re asking for). Read more »

Hacking In (Issue 940)

In which we are reminded that patient research about prospects is a critical element of “getting in”. Read more »

Assessing Buyer Risk Appetites (Issue 939)

In which we are encouraged to explore the bigger picture of what our clients seek to maximize or minimize in purchasing our services. Read more »

Five Fast Ones (Issue 938)

In which we are reminded to prepare for five (or any) predictable sales objections. Read more »

Please… Show Me How (Issue 937)

In which we are reminded to be sure… really sure… that our clients know how to use and benefit from the stuff we sell them. Read more »

Curating Content (Issue 936)

In which we are reminded to curate and share with our clients good content wherever we find it! Read more »

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