trusted advisor

Taken for a Fool (Issue 605)

In which we are reminded to be a little skeptical about what we hear from our prospects and customers. Read more »

Genuine (Issue 604)

In which we discuss the gentle art of the compliment. Read more »

Cave of Wonders (Issue 603)

In which we discuss the opportunities and dangers in calling business prospects before business hours or on weekends and holidays. Read more »

Slow Leaks (Issue 602)

In which we are reminded to fix diversions that slowly reduce our sales time and productivity. Read more »

How Will I Know? (Issue 601)

In which we are reminded to understand our buyers’ criteria for making a change before pitching ideas or solutions. Read more »

Squirrels (Issue 595)

In which we are reminded to slow down – plan our approaches to clients and prospects deliberately – to reduce the impact of unexpected actions. Read more »

Wind Blown (Issue 593)

In which we are reminded to focus on differences  rather than routine questions when we write our call plans. Read more »

Make It Specific (Issue 588)

In which we are encouraged to describe ourselves in terms of the specifics of what we do rather than the titles others give us. Read more »

The Reason to Buy (Issue 585)

In which we are reminded that focus on the core benefits of our product or service help us close sales where others couldn’t. Read more »

Wide of the Mark (Issue 582)

In which we are reminded to sell at multiple levels in larger organizations, not just at the business owner or “C” level. Read more »

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