Better Questions, Listening

Behind the Story (Issue 1143)

In which we are reminded to look carefully at details behind the narratives our clients are selling to us. Read more »

Chickpea Burger (Issue 1141)

In which we are encouraged to avoid brand or reputational damage by guiding clients toward what we do best and away from our weak elements. Read more »

Ask Me To Think (Issue 1134)

In which we are encouraged to lead with questions that prompt client thought. Read more »

Advice (Issue 1129)

In which we revisit the idea of asking questions when we’re asked for our opinions.  Read more »

Trip to Detroit (Issue 1128)

In which we are reminded … again … to confirm the gap before recommending a solution.  Read more »

Signs (Issue 1126)

In which we are reminded that too much focus may mean missed opportunities. Preparing to fly home from a city that shall remain nameless, I drove my rental car through the airport looking for access to the gas station from whose cool, subterranean tanks I needed fuel. I was feeling lucky. No traffic in front … Read more »

Role Plays, Anyone? (Issue 1124)

In which we are reminded WHY we (should, really) practice. Read more »

Be Curious (Issue 1123)

In which we are reminded, when speaking with clients and prospects, to think through the lens of curiosity rather than judgment. Read more »

Different Voices (Issue 1119)

In which we are reminded that even clients that look and feel the same have different voices. Read more »

What If…? (Issue 1116)

In which we are reminded to ask clients how things will go if they don’t go according to plan. Read more »

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