Better Questions, Listening

What Price Did You Pay? (Issue 1017)

In which we are reminded that any business owner or leader chooses a path for a reason and pays a price for the journey; the “juicy bits” are in the story behind the story. Read more »

Bad Wiring In The Walls (Issue 1016)

In which we are reminded to look “behind the walls” in our clients’ operations lest we miss something that will become a problem. Read more »

We Are What We’ve Heard (Issue 1010)

In which we are reminded that, to continue developing, we need to listen more widely. Read more »

The Last Steam Engine Train (Issue 1009)

In which we are reminded that, to learn new technique, we must be patient. Read more »

Why Do They Call Them Seals? (Issue 1007)

In which we are reminded to ask “why”…more times. Read more »

That’s Just How It Is (Issue 1003)

In which we are reminded that ‘status quo’ is a challenging sales obstacle. Read more »

Simple Opening Questions (Issue 1002)

In which we are encouraged to begin client meetings with a simple opening question and silence. Read more »

The Story That’s Sitting Across From Them (Issue 1001)

In which we are reminded that, as modern as we may be, personal interest and personal connection still matter to some of our clients. Read more »

Maintain an Even Strain (Issue 999)

In which we are reminded to ask clients about the moments that most influence their life guidelines. Read more »

Too Quick to Prescribe (Issue 997)

In which we are reminded to ask (at least) one question before we recommend… anything. Read more »

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