Managing Sales Process

Cheering Section (Issue 904)

In which we are reminded that our  post-purchase encouragement to our clients can make a big difference in their implementation experience and their commitment to future purchases. Read more »

Needless Markdown (Issue 903)

In which we are reminded that we (probably) don’t have to offer price discounts if our clients fully experience our value. Read more »

Fresh Eyes (Issue 899)

In which we are encouraged to engage someone’s fresh eyes to review our major clients with us, lest we’ve missed something important. Read more »

A Place to Start (Issue 895)

In which we are encouraged to give clients an easy first “yes” from which we then can expand a relationship. Read more »

Start Simple. Assume Nothing. (Issue 892)

In which we are reminded to check the basics, first, when we are assessing client challenges. Read more »

Changing the Light Bulb (Issue 889)

In which we are reminded that, on average, most humans WOULD prefer to change rather than suffer. Read more »

Die, Rather Than Change (Issue 888)

In which we are encouraged to stop “missionary” selling and let go of the prospects who really won’t change. Read more »

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