Managing Sales Process

Make Them (Our Mistakes) Playable (Issue 825)

In which we are reminded that good call “mechanics” will save us when we make mistakes. Read more »

Brief Moment Branding (Issue 824)

In which we are reminded that, fair or not, clients and prospects judge us, often, based on brief moments of experience.  Read more »

Tracking, Schmacking (Why Bother?) (Issue 821)

In which we are reminded of the glorious sustaining benefits of activity tracking. Read more »

Dealing with Distraction (Issue 818)

In which we are reminded that, sometimes, we have to help clients settle issues that have little to do with us in order for them to give us their full attention. Read more »

After Shave (Issue 813)

In which we are reminded to fully understand our customers’ specifications before delivering. Read more »

Free Falling (Issue 812)

In which we are reminded to be careful about making assumptions when we’re assessing clients’ issues. Read more »

Absolutely Convinced (Issue 809)

In which we are reminded that many clients are motivated to buy more by fear of failure than by positive benefits of change. Read more »

When Buyers Are Stuck In Ruts (Issue 808)

In which we are encouraged to move on when it’s clear that we should move on. Read more »

Pause Before Flaming (Issue 806)

In which we are reminded to warm people up a little bit before we “turn on the heat” in prospecting conversations.  Read more »

Pre-Cog Research (Issue 805)

In which we are encouraged to think ahead and prepare for a range of possible outcomes in our sales calls. Read more »

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