Managing Sales Process

Transitions (Issue 577)

In which we are reminded to include transitions in our pre-call planning. Read more »

The One We Have With Us (Issue 576)

In which we are reminded (in Roman philosopher Seneca’s point) that “Luck is where the crossroads of opportunity and preparation meet.” Read more »

Take What the Defense is Giving (Issue 574)

In which we are reminded to pursue issues in which our prospects / clients are interested rather than the issues in which WE are interested. Read more »

Making the Connection (Issue 572, originally published June 2009)

In which we learn to think about connections in companies we call on. Read more »

Socks (Issue 570)

In which we are reminded that one key to cross selling is understanding clients goals’ and destinations. Read more »

Under Pressure (Issue 569)

In which we are reminded that our success in sales depends, to a great extent, on practice and repetition. Read more »

Balance (Issue 566)

In which we are reminded that specific, focused objectives will help us sustain our effort and maintain our balance when managing account relationships. Read more »

The Story Behind the Story (Issue 565)

In which we are reminded that our sales occur in a context and woe be unto us if we jump forward to“take the order” or “make the sale” without understanding that contextual influence. Read more »

Softening Up Sales (Issue 559)

In which we learn from brilliant event planners how to prepare and engage prospects and customers. Read more »

What D’Ya Got (Issue 557)

In which we are reminded to warm up and rehearse our calls before we sit down with clients. Read more »

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