Weekly Sales Thoughts

Follow the Steps (Issue 487)

In which we are reminded that selling value frequently requires us to follow the steps of our clients’ business processes. Read more »

More Than A Gut Feel (Issue 486)

In which we are reminded that to sell our value, rather than defend our cost, we must be able to quantify the value we’re selling. Read more »

Something to Talk About (Issue 485)

In which we consider a practical strategy  to connect with our prospects if we’ve not walked in their shoes. Read more »

Leading the Witness (Issue 484)

In which we distinguish between open questions and leading the witness with questions that bias or restrict the information we hear from clients. Read more »

Do Not Confuse Effort with Results (Issue 483)

In which we consider the advantages of presenting ourselves as our benefit rather than our job description or title. Read more »

The Value of a Nice Ride (Issue 482)

In which we are reminded that our greatest value and differentiation comes from “how” we do what we do rather than from the products we sell. Read more »

Turning Over New Leaves (Issue 481)

In which we discuss strategies to reduce rejection (and feeling down about it) in prospecting. Read more »

Next Steps (Issue 480)

In which we consider broadening our “next steps” questions to reduce objections and accelerate implementation of solutions. Read more »

Attract to Retain (Issue 479)

In which we are reminded that retaining customers is a process of continual attraction. Read more »

Take Nothing for Granted (Issue 478)

In which we consider curiosity about our clients’ and prospects’ statements and assertions that all is well. Read more »

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