Thinking Ahead (Issue 716)

In which we are encouraged to help our clients think ahead, anticipate, and prepare to solve problems early. Read more »

Stories (Issue 714)

In which we are encouraged to take the stories we hear as a starting point, not the last word. Read more »

Short Cuts (Issue 713)

In which we are encouraged to stick with our proven sales processes rather seeking short cuts. Read more »

Hallelujah Multitasking (Issue 712)

In which we are reminded to plan ahead and multi-task in our sales calls. Read more »

You CAN’T Be Serious! (Issue 711)

In which we are reminded that we don’t always hear what we think we’ve heard. Read more »

Be Memorable (Issue 709)

In which we are reminded… STAND OUT SOMEHOW. Read more »

Uni-directional (Issue 708)

In which we are reminded to overcome one set of survival instincts so we can pay attention to another. Read more »

Acapella (Issue 707)

In which we are urged to carve out the time needed to research and prepare for sales calls. Read more »

Cachucha Fandango (Issue 706)

In which we are reminded to slow down our pace when we’re presenting new concepts to prospects and clients so they may understand more clearly what we say. Read more »

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