The Magazine

The weekly mail pickup brought a bountiful harvest of bills, flyers, ads, magazines, and two 9 x 12 envelopes. In one, I knew, were tax documents. In the other…. well, well… from Boston Private Bank and Trust Company….. hmmmm….. I think that’s where John-the-guy-we-call-when-we-refinance-our-mortgages now works….. Ah, shoot, I’ll open it now. Read more »


Back in the day, when giants walked the earth and hair covered my head, I was a guitar player and singer.  I started, self-taught, at age 12. By the age of 19, I was in college, playing out three to four nights a week, thinking I might go professional. Read more »

Positioning the Benefits

It was a brilliant, blue-sky-with-yellow-leaves September Saturday afternoon. With other parents, I was standing on a soccer field sideline, watching the town’s high school soccer team scrimmage another team. The talk was loose and easy – how was your summer, do you think the Red Sox will beat the Yankees, what classes is your son … Read more »

In Summary

“Did you understand what she just said?”  We were taking driving directions from a young woman we’d flagged down on the outskirts of Nassau. Read more »

Ramming Speed

I went sailing last week. While the New England cold got colder and more snow fell, I escaped for a few moments to a warmer climate and, for a lark and a single credit card swipe,  went sailing for three hours aboard one of the New Zealand 1992  Americas Cup trial boats, NZL-12, a dark-hulled beauty … Read more »

Space Between the Notes

One evening, I went to hear the Boston Pops orchestra, Keith Lockhart conducting, play a program drawn from “The Great American Songbook,” songs made famous by Glenn Miller’s orchestra, Duke Ellington, Count Basie, Fats Waller, and others. Read more »

Let’s Meet in April

From the “I wish I’d written down who told me this” department: A friend of my mystery source runs a successful and expanding insurance agency who tells this story: “A guy called me in January and said, ‘My P&C insurance policy renews in February, would you like to quote on it?’ I said, ‘Let’s set … Read more »


The magazine article, torn roughly from its binding, sits on the kitchen counter.  ‘Though unaddressed, its location on the counter indicates it’s for me. Its source and topic suggest whose hands left it there. At once, an invitation and a puzzle. Read more »

Developing the Lead

.…in which we remind ourselves to see for the forest while we’re cataloging the trees. Sunday morning lead sentence in an on-line New York Times article: “COLUMBIA, S.C. – Senator Barack Obama won a commanding victory over Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton in the South Carolina Democratic primary on Saturday, drawing a wide majority of black … Read more »

A Matter of Intent

“I have some concerns about the documents,”  I said as our conversation began. The documents in question were two contracts running, about 80 pages each.  10 point type. Single spaced. Numbing. He treated my point as an objection he could “handle” by minimizing. Read more »

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