Best Practices in Retail Financial Services Symposium

Repeat Business (On The Way to Trust) (Issue 814)

In which we are reminded not to assume we understand what our clients seek when they come back to us. Read more »

After Shave (Issue 813)

In which we are reminded to fully understand our customers’ specifications before delivering. Read more »

Free Falling (Issue 812)

In which we are reminded to be careful about making assumptions when we’re assessing clients’ issues. Read more »

A (Christmas) Prospecting Tale (Issue 811)

In which we are reminded that consistent research is a key to offering timely, high impact ideas to prospects and clients. Read more »

Differentating Standard Products (Issue 810)

In which we see how to position standard products as “fresh” and “built just for you.” Read more »

Absolutely Convinced (Issue 809)

In which we are reminded that many clients are motivated to buy more by fear of failure than by positive benefits of change. Read more »

When Buyers Are Stuck In Ruts (Issue 808)

In which we are encouraged to move on when it’s clear that we should move on. Read more »

You Pause, You Lose (Issue 807)

In which we learn to regain the lead in a conversation by eliminating pauses. Read more »

Pause Before Flaming (Issue 806)

In which we are reminded to warm people up a little bit before we “turn on the heat” in prospecting conversations.  Read more »

Pre-Cog Research (Issue 805)

In which we are encouraged to think ahead and prepare for a range of possible outcomes in our sales calls. Read more »

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