Monarch Innovation Awards

Free Advice

In which we are reminded to think about how we position our value and the value of our advice so that prospects and clients don’t take it for granted. Read more »

It’s Just A Point

In which we are encouraged to master overcoming hard moments. Read more »

Marching Saints (Issue 1146)

In which we are reminded that good coaches help us perform better than we think we can. I may have shared this story before and I’ve been reminded of it this week. Several years ago, I arranged for a New Orleans traditional brass band to kick off a conference in which I was the Master … Read more »

Maintaining Mystique (Issue 1145)

In which we are reminded to honor the magic – to align how we provide services or products with clients’ expectations. Read more »

Mashed Bananas (Issue 1144)

In which we are urged to choose and cultivate a distinctive brand trigger that connects clients to us. Read more »

Onion Disruption (Issue 1051)

In which we are reminded to share with clients the full picture of purchasing and implementing a new product or service lest they find it not their taste later on. Read more »

Look Ahead (Issue 1050)

In which we are reminded to look ahead, far ahead, in our strategic accounts, to anticipate conflicts and opportunities that may affect our sales progress. Read more »

Squirrels (Issue 1043)

In which we are reminded to set priorities and put boundaries around our sales efforts. Read more »

Fully Ready (Issue 1042)

In which we are reminded that “feeling you’re ready” is different from “being fully ready”. Read more »

Beyond Our Scope (Issue 1041)

In which we are reminded that, sometimes, we have to help a client solve a problem or remove an obstacle that is outside of our normal scope so they can move forward with services we CAN provide. Read more »

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