retail banking

Winning the Head Race (ISsue 1113)

In which we are reminded that smaller competitors can beat bigger ones through better execution. Read more »

What’s Important to You? (Issue 1112)

In which, when our clients face  difficult choices, we are reminded to ask the question, “What’s important to you?” Read more »

Start with the Problem (Issue 1111)

In which we are reminded, if we want to attract peoples’ attention, to start with their problem. Read more »

Two Stories (Issue 1110)

In which we are reminded that outward focus, a little diversification, and agility are critical in unsettled times. Read more »

Talk to Everybody (Issue 1109)

In which we are reminded to reach out more… on the street and in our client and prospect accounts. Read more »

Desiderata (Issue 1108)

In which we are reminded to maintain healthy balance and strive to be at peace. Read more »

Simplify, Simplify, Simplify (Issue 1107)

In which we are reminded to help clients simplify their purchases of complex products by recommending options based on how they use them and likely outcomes (advantages and benefits) rather than technical wizardry (features).  Read more »

Try Something New? (Issue 1106)

In which we are reminded, when our services require clients to change beliefs or business practices, to start them off small (pilots, etc.) so they become familiar and buy in to the change. Read more »

You Need This (Issue 1105)

In which we are reminded that sometimes, even when danger is present or approaching and we can help, we can’t force clients to buy. We have to prepare ourselves and wait for them. Read more »

Sales Starts (Issue 1104)

In which we are reminded that, when competing with skilled practitioners: If we mis-time the start, whether sail boat race or sales cycle, it’s very hard to make up ground. Read more »

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