small business banking sales training

Staple Yourself to the Process(Issue 542)

In which we are reminded to be curious – ask for the details rather than being satisfied with high level answers.  Read more »

A Plan to Finish (Issue 541)

In which we are reminded to prepare a plan to finish our sales processes. Read more »

Home Ice (Issue 538)

In which we are reminded that, to win in a competitive situation, we need to build our fan base inside our prospects’ organizations well before we make our move to sell. Read more »

Matted Down (Issue 537)

In which we are reminded to follow our “broad” questions with very specific questions that tease out the detailed facts we need to propose value-based solutions. Read more »

Totally Concrete (Issue 536)

In which we are reminded to clarify terms we don’t understand before presenting ideas. Read more »

Simple, Neat, and Incomplete (Issue 535)

In which we are reminded to step back and look for the broader picture before we pitch solution for the problem we’ve just heard. Read more »

A Little Excitement (Issue 531)

In which we are reminded that we need to market (attract attention) before we can sell. Read more »

Storm-Chasers (Issue 530)

In which we are reminded that early warning systems are the key to generating timely new ideas for clients or to avoiding trouble. Read more »

Question Elegance (Issue 528)

In which we are urged to increase the attention we pay to context in the questions we ask. Read more »

No Bonehead Mistakes (Issue 523)

In which we are reminded that even small mistakes can fatally undermine our credibility and effectiveness with prospects Read more »

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